• Thursday the 25th presentation of AW-18-19 collection at NU#02 Press release

    Tomorrow, Thursday October 25th at 19h. Josep Abril, Txell Miras and Miriam Ponsa will present their autumn-winter collections 2018-19 at NU#02, at C. València, 229 in Barcelona. The concept store shared by the three fashion designers will be the ideal scenario to advance the details of their creations for this season.

    • Marc Milán
    • 2018-10-24 15:32:28
    • 5411
  • Manifest MIRIAM PONSA Inspiration

    MIRIAM PONSA's Manifesto is not a statement of intent. It is our way of working and understanding fashion. It is our essence and we want to share it.

    • Marc Milán
    • 2018-10-08 09:56:55
    • 7361
  • AW18-19 leather bags Collection

    We can not hide it, we have a weakness for leather bags. We know that you love them as well, and that is why every season we want to present you to new proposals. The AW18-19 collection is no exception, so we have designed these two irresistible models.

    • Marc Milán
    • 2018-10-01 10:10:43
    • 6801
  • AW18-19 collection ' The Salt March' Sketchbook Inspiration

    The Salt March was a 300-km long march led by Mahatma Gandhi between April and March 1930, culminating in the symbolic gesture of taking a handful of salt from the Indian Ocean. A peaceful protest against the salt-production tax with the ultimate goal of achieving independence for India. This demonstration has become a reference for many other symbolic protests that have forged political and social changes through peaceful resistance and serve as

    • Marc Milán
    • 2018-09-25 16:54:52
    • 5943
  • I have a dream Press release

    Col·lecció inspirada en la figura de Martin Luther King i la lluita en pro dels drets civils afroamericans que, en el context actual, esdevé una denúncia de la injustícia en el procés polític català.

    • Marc Milán
    • 2018-06-26 06:50:53
    • 3389
Showing 30 to 35 of 40 (7 Pages)